Space Research at Durham
Space Research at Durham
We are a multi-disciplinary group with a mission to develop world leading space sustainability research capabilities and skills development in the intimately linked and yet currently fragmented areas of space technology, operations, and policy.
Space sustainability is an emerging and critical concern. It is imperative that we protect the space environment for future generations whilst also supporting the growing capacity and capabilities of space applications. This is only possible by engaging a holistic or systems approach to space research where the technology development, business models and governance are all considered together.
Our activities include four core areas:
i) Research (space technology, governance, space operations, space sustainability)
ii) Industry engagement (contract research, knowledge exchange, consultancy, commercialisation, training)
iii) Partnerships (collaborating and complementing with shared resources and facilities enabling increased capacity and flexibility)
iv) Skills development / training (outreach, UG, PG, technical courses and executive courses)
General enquiries:
James Osborn ([email protected])
Generally, space centres around the world focus on technology. We have a large group in Durham, based in the Centre for Advanced Instrumentation (CfAI), who have a world leading reputation in space optics (space segment and ground segment). As an example, components of the hugely successful James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and the NASA Lunar Thermal Mapper were designed, constructed and calibrated in Durham. We also have a strong relationship with ESA participating in several free-space optical communications technology development programmes to link the Earth based fibre optics network to space.
In the field of Space Sustainability it is important to consider the full space ecosystem when developing new techniques and technologies. In Durham, we achieve this by linking the CfAI with Computer Science, Durham Business School, Durham Law School and the School of Government and International Affairs. This is a unique collaboration, enabling a systems view of technology development under one roof.
We aim at achieving cross-disciplinary research success by leveraging the existing resources in Durham and establishing connections between the areas of excellence to foster collaboration. In particular, the Centre for Advanced Instrumentation has a world leading reputation in Space Optics. As an example, components of the hugely successful James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), a $10 billion project, were designed, constructed and calibrated in Durham. We also link to other areas of excellence in the University – Business School, Law School, Computer Science and School of Government and International Affairs. Our remit will include:
i) developing innovative space technology, including either space segment or ground segment
ii) managing space operations and associated business models
iii) assessing and developing law and policy for space operations
iv) ensuring that ethical, legal and regulatory requirements are actively considered in space technology development and in managing space operations
Preparing the next generation of space industry leaders with the required knowledge, skills and creativity is critical for a sustainable future. We are preparing several educational streams in Durham
Space Technology Applications in Science and Industry
The first will run in September 2023. We are organising a summer school aimed at postgraduate students to give them exposure to the status, challenges and opportunities of the space industry and to get them excited to transfer their skills, creativity and enthusiasm into the space industry. Although originally considered this for STEM postgraduates, this has since been opened to a wider audience due to demand.
Space Leadership Short Course
An executive or CPD course on Space Leadership, designed to give an overview of the full space environment, from technology to business and governance. This will be aimed more at industry, either transferring to the space industry or management level who would like to understand an overview of the space environment.
Dedicated Technical Training
We offer dedicated technical training, for example apprenticeships in precision optics or training on Adaptive Optics, free-space laser communications and other areas.
Research Postgraduate Opportunities
Research masters and PhDs to provide high-level research led opportunities
Partner Engagement
We are actively engaging with local, national and global space industry. This could be in any of the key themes of our centre (space technology, business, governance and sustainability) and ideally a combination of all four. A key strength is the ability to leverage expertise across the system, which is very attractive to our partners.
The engagement will take 4 forms:
i) Contract Research and consultancy.
ii) Knowledge Exchange
iii) Commercialisation
iv) Skills and training (see section 4, below).
We aim to situate the development of space technologies within the UK’s political and diplomatic needs, building domestic economic capacity and positioning the UK as a global leader in this area.